
Connecticut TV addicts called 911 over cable outage

August 24th, 2013 by

It seems that keeping up-to-date on television dramas is more important then ever in the age of social media. It’s difficult to even DVR a show and begin watching it 30 minutes past the start time to avoid commercials. If you check your Facebook or Twitter at the wrong time, you are almost certainly going…

2013 Silverado recognized by J.D. Power & Associates for quality

August 14th, 2013 by

Owning a new car can bring with it a feeling of pride. Buying a car is not a small purchase, and when a goal is reached and a car is purchased, that moment deserves prideful recognition. While simply owning a new or used car can be enough to make its new owner feel a sense…

2013 Silverado recognized by J.D. Power & Associates for quality

August 14th, 2013 by

Owning a new car can bring with it a feeling of pride. Buying a car is not a small purchase, and when a goal is reached and a car is purchased, that moment deserves prideful recognition. While simply owning a new or used car can be enough to make its new owner feel a sense…

New Chevy Tahoe may make its debut at the State Fair of Texas this September

August 10th, 2013 by

With the first half of 2013 under its belt, Chevrolet has been making a lot of exciting announcements for what the automaker’s future holds. It’s no secret that Chevrolet’s used cars hold their value better than any other comparable vehicles on the market, so whenever the car maker announces a new model coming out –…

2014 Impala Surpasses Safety Standards and Gets NHTSA Rating of Five-Stars

August 3rd, 2013 by

In today’s fast-paced market, it unfortunately seems that finding a quality product is more and more difficult. It doesn’t seem to matter if that product is as insignificant as a piece of chalk, or as costly as a new boat – true quality in a product is hard to come by. With the invention of…

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