
Car Buying with Bad Credit – The Glass is Half Full

November 24th, 2016 by

That’s right. This is all about taking the glass is half full perspective, rather than the glass is half-empty or worse: there is no glass. Granted, trying to manage your day-to-day finances when you have bad credit can feel like a pretty hopeless situation and the idea of finding a car loan with bad credit…

A Bad Credit Car Loan is Closer Than You Think

November 8th, 2016 by
Red toy cars on top of a stack of gold coins

Few things are as maddening as feeling trapped by your credit history. For consumers with questionable credit scores, shopping for anything – let alone a car – can be an exercise in frustration, not to mention embarrassment and wasted time. But, it is certainly possible to secure a good car loan with bad credit and those who…

Auto Loan Interest Rates: Taking A Closer Look

June 22nd, 2016 by
Black calculator and pen sitting on top of blue and white chart

    What does it mean to get a good interest rate on an auto loan? For many buyers, this question is one of the hardest riddles to pick apart in all of the car buying process – involving a fair amount of expertise on everything from interest rates to loan structuring, and can be…

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